Monday, January 23, 2023

Another Rebrand And A Fresh Start

Hello my readers, it's been awhile. After dealing with depression and just finding free time in general I put this on haitus a while back. Welp I'm gonna revive it again, although in a different writing style than before. You see back when I wrote for Pitt Bradford's student newspaper, The Source, the best article I wrote was a first hand account of being on campus during the aftermath of a water main break. I more or less wrote the article in Hunter S. Thompson's gonzo journalism style and had a lot of compliments on the article itself. I also recently found out that Hunter S. Thompson also use to cover pro wrestling matches while as a sports writer and this has inspired me to be more personable with my writing on here. So with that being said, all articles will be in the first person and I will try to post at least an article a day. So hopefully this is will be do-able since honestly I'm 70k in debt due to college so I might as well make use of my degree and write about a topic that I love. So in short, I'm back

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No Peace Underground: Promotion Returns With Samsara Event.

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